February 26, 2021
Bota Box Introduces “Bota Box Breeze”, Lower In Calories, Carbs, And Alcohol
New Line of Light and Refreshing Wines Brings Lower-Alcohol Innovation to Premium Three-Liter Box, the Top-Growing Format in Wine1.
NAPA, Calif., (Feb. 26, 2021)
Delicato Family Wines, producer of Bota Box, the sixth-largest wine brand in America by value2, announced today the launch of Bota Box Breeze, a new line of premium, 3-liter boxed wines under the Bota Box brand crafted to be lower in calories, carbohydrates and alcohol, while offering the exceptional quality and deliciousness that consumers expect from Bota Box. The new Bota Box Breeze hits store shelves nationwide beginning in March with the introduction of three varietal wines: A Pinot Grigio, a Dry Rosé and a Red Wine Blend.
“Consumers are looking for light and refreshing alternatives to traditional alcoholic beverages, and Bota Box Breeze will be the first such wines in alternative packaging,” notes Chris Indelicato, CEO of Delicato Family Wines. “It’s an unmet need for consumers, and, as the market leader in premium 3-liter box wines, Bota Box will be tapping this desire in order to grow the category.”
Consumer desire for lighter alternatives in the alcoholic beverage category follows long-term diet trends in food. According to market research firm Wine Intelligence, more than 40 percent of today’s wine consumers are choosing lower-alcohol wines.3 Retail data substantiate this finding: the U.S. light wine category grew 91 percent in 2020, according to IRI.4
Bota Box Breeze wines align this shift in consumer’s diet preferences with the popularity of premium 3-liter box wine, which is the fastest-growing format in wine5. Within this segment, Bota Box is the driver of category growth6; total depletions for the brand grew more than 40 percent in 2020, to more than 11 million cases. The Bota Box brand now ranks number one in the U.S. wine industry for volume growth and third for dollar growth.7
Strong Consumer Appeal Validated by Rigorous Testing
Rigorous testing with consumers showed that consumers find Bota Box Breeze wines strongly appealing. In research conducted with 3,500 wine drinkers, consumers who regularly purchase alcoholic beverages that are lighter in calories and alcohol reported strong purchase intent for Bota Box Breeze8. Bota Box Breeze Pinot Grigio and Dry Rosé wines offer just 3.3 grams of carbohydrates and 80 calories per serving, while the Red Wine Blend offers 4.3 grams of carbohydrates and 85 calories per serving. All three wines have an alcohol level of eight percent. The wines are also low in sugar and gluten-free.
Consumers also found Bota Box Breeze’s eye-catching package, which utilizes vibrant colors and “light” and “refreshing” cues, to be appealing9. The wine’s eye-catching graphics stand out in shelf displays designed to drive visibility at retail.
The new Bota Box Breeze Pinot Grigio, Dry Rosé and Red Wine Blend will be available nationwide for a suggested retail selling price of $22.99 beginning in March. Each eco-friendly, 3-liter carton contains the equivalent of four 750-ml bottles of wine. For more information about Bota Box wines, visit www.botabox.com or www.facebook.com/botabox.
1 Source: IRI Total US Multi-Outlet + Conv, 40 Weeks Ending 12/13/20
2 Ibid
3 Source: Wine Intelligence, Vinitrac® US, 2019, n=2,000 regular wine drinkers
4 Source: IRI Total US Multi-Outlet + Conv, 52 Weeks Ending 12/13/20
5 Source: IRI Total US Multi-Outlet + Conv, 40 Weeks Ending 12/13/20
6 Ibid
7 Source: IRI Total US Multi-Outlet + Conv, 52 Weeks Ending 1/24/21
8 Source: Bota Box Breeze Quick Predict Concept Test, Nielsen, Sept 2020
9 Ibid